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owners manual Honda Civic

owners manual Honda Civic - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Honda Civic VIII 8 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.58 MB) 413 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Honda Civic, year of production 2006 - 2011:
̌̓ʗ̌̓ʗ̍̍ɹ̍̑ɿ̍̍ɿ̐̎ɹ̨̫̖̏̍̒̎̌ɹ̌̌̏̔ɹ Protecting Children ʵ GeneralGuidelines All Children ShouldSit in a Back ThePassenger’sFront Airbag SmallChildren Seat CanPoseSeriousRisks Placing a forward-facing child seat in Accordingtoaccident statistics, Front airbags have been designed to thefront seat of a vehicle equipped children of all ages and sizes are help protect adults in a moderate to withapassenger’sfront airbag can Dr i safer whentheyarerestrainedina severe frontal collision. To do this, behazardous.If the vehicle seat is v backseat. the passenger’s front airbag is quite toofar forward, or the child’s head is er large, and it can inflate with enough thrownforwardduringacollision, an and TheNationalHighwayTrafficSafety force to cause very serious injuries. inflating front airbag can strike the P Administration and Transport child with enough force to kill or asseng Canadarecommendthatallchildren Eventhoughyourvehiclehasan veryseriously injure a small child. age 12 and under be properly advancedfront airbagsystemthat er restrained in a back seat. Some automatically turns the passenger’s LargerChildren Saf states have laws restricting where front airbag off (see page 25), Childrenwhohaveoutgrownchild e t children may ride. please follow these guidelines: seats are also at risk of being injured y or killed by an inflating passenger’s Children who ride in back are less Infants frontairbag.Wheneverpossible, likely to be injured by striking Neverput arear-facing child seat in larger children should sit in the back interior vehicle parts during a thefront seat of a vehicle equipped seat, on a booster seat if needed, and collision or hard braking. Also, withapassenger’sfront airbag. If beproperly restrained with a seat children cannot be injured by an the airbag inflates, it can hit the back belt (see page 46 for important inflating front airbag when they ride of the child seat with enough force information about protecting larger in the back. to kill or very seriously injure an children). infant. CONTINUED 33
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year of production from: 2006

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  2. Honda Civic VIII 8 manual del propietario PT
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