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owners manual VW Passat

owners manual VW Passat - year of production: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - VW Passat B7 NMS owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.83 MB) 379 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle VW Passat, year of production 2010 - 2014:
Replacing taillight bulbs in the luggage compartment lid Fig. 220 A: In the luggage compartment lid: Removing the taillight cover. B: Removing the taillight assembly. Fig. 221 A: Taillight assembly: removing the bulb socket assembly. B: Removing the light bulbs. ¤ Please first read and note the introductory information and heed the WARNINGS . Please carry out each step only in the order specified: 1. Please review and follow the checklist. 2. Open the luggage compartment lid. 3. Using the flat blade of the screwdriver in the vehicle tool kit (⇒ page 421), carefully pry the cover out of the slot ⇒  fig. 220 A (1) (arrow). 4. Pull the red lockinBg t(4ab) i n the direction of the arrow to unlock connector plug B (2). 5. Pcatch uBs (5h ) to release connector plug. Then pull out connector plug B (2). 6. Remove the cover from the side of the taillight, sliding it in the direction of the arrow B. Check the original mounting position of the taillight before removing it. Unscrew the fastening screws B (3) with screwdriver and carefully remove the taillight 7. assembly from the luggage compartment lid. Pull it to the side and away from the vehicle body and place it on a clean, smooth surface. 8. Unlock the bulb socket assembly by pressing the locking tabs in direction of the arrow ⇒ fig. 221 A and remove the bulb socket assembly from the taillight assembly.
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year of production from: 2010

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VW Passat B7 NMS owners manual
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