owners manual Honda Civic
owners manual Honda Civic - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Honda Civic VI 6 Hatchback owners manual EN
pdf (1.74 MB) 202 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda Civic, year of production 1995 - 2001:
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Yoursafety,andthesafetyof others,Youwill find this important safety information in a variety of forms,
is very important. And operating thisincluding:
vehicle safely is an important
responsibility. Safety Labels ʵonthevehicle.
Safety Messagesʵ precededbyasafetyalert symbol andoneof
Tohelpyoumakeinformed DANGER WARNING CAUTION
three signal words: , , or .
decisions about safety, we have Thesesignalwordsmean:
provided operating procedures and
other information on labels and in YouWILLbeKILLEDorSERIOUSLY
this manual. This information alerts HURTifyoudon’tfollowinstructions.
youtopotential hazards that could
hurt you or others. YouCANbeKILLEDorSERIOUSLY
Of course, it is not practical or
possible to warn you about all the YouCANbeHURTifyoudon’tfollow
hazards associated with operating or instructions.
maintaining your vehicle. You must
use your own good judgement. Safety Headings ʵsuchasImportant Safety Reminders or Important
Safety Precautions.
Safety Section ʵsuchasDriverandPassengerSafety.
Instructions ʵhowtousethisvehiclecorrectlyandsafely.
This entire book is filled with important safety information ʵplease read it

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year of production from: 1995

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Honda Civic VI 6 Hatchback owners manual
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