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owners manual VW Tiguan

owners manual VW Tiguan - year of production: 2011 - VW Tiguan owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.39 MB) 418 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle VW Tiguan, year of production 2011:
x Turn the ignition of the vehicle with the dead battery. If the engine starts, wait 2 to 3 minutes until it “runs smoothly” before removing the jumper cables as described below ⇒ . If the engine does not start within about 10 seconds, turn off the ignition and wait at least one minute; then try again. Before removing the jumper cables 1. Switch off the headlights (if they are on). 2. In the vehicle with the dead battery, switch on the heater fan and the rear window defroster. This helps to minimize voltage spikes when the cables are disconnected. Removing jumper cables With the engine running, remove the jumper cables in reverse order to the way they were connected. 1. Disconnect the black (-) cable from the vehicle with the dead battery. 2. Disconnect the black (–) cable from the other vehicle (vehicle with the good battery). 3. Disconnect the red (+) cable from the other vehicle (vehicle with the good battery). 4. Disconnect the red (+) cable from the vehicle with the dead battery. 5. Close the battery cover as the case may be.
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year of production from: 2011

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