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owners manual Renault Captur

owners manual Renault Captur - year of production: 2013 - Renault Captur owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.91 MB) 244 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Captur, year of production 2013:
“HANDS-FREE” RENAULT CARD: use (3/3) “Hands-free” RENAULT card non- detection alarm With the engine running, if you open 5 and close a door and the card is no longer within range 6, the message “Keycard not detected” and a beep warns you of this. 6 The warning disappears when the card is again within range 6. Driver’s responsibility Never leave an animal, child or adult who is not self-sufficient alone in your Locking using the RENAULT cardSpecial features vehicle, even for a short time. They may pose a risk to themselves or to With the doors and luggage compart-The vehicle will not lock if:others by starting the engine, acti- vating equipment such as the elec- ment closed, press button 5: the vehi- – a door or the tailgate is open or not cle will lock. properly closed; tric windows or locking the doors, The hazard warning lights flash twice – a card is still in zone 6 (or in the card for example. Also, in hot and/or sunny weather, please remember to indicate that the doors have locked.reader) and no other card is in the external detection zone.that the temperature inside the pas- Note: the maximum distance at which senger compartment increases very the vehicle locks depends on the sur- quickly. roundings. RISK OF DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. After locking/unlocking the vehicle using the buttons on the RENAULT card, "hands-free" locking and unlocking is deactivated. To reactivate the “hands-free” mode: restart the vehicle. 1.7
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year of production from: 2013

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