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owners manual Subaru Outback

owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (14.79 MB) 444 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2004 - 2009:
7 youhaveamedicalconditionthatrequires&Carphone/cell phone and&Driving with pets you to take drugs, please consult withdriving Unrestrained pets can interfere with your your doctor. driving and distract your attention from Never drive if you are under the influenceCAUTION driving. In a collision or sudden stop, of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your unrestrained pets or cages can be thrown own health and well-being, we urge youDo not use a car phone/cell phonearound inside the vehicle and hurt you or not to take illegal drugs in the first placewhile driving; it may distract youryour passengers. Besides, the pets can and to seek treatment if you are addictedattention from driving and can leadbehurtunderthesesituations. It is also for to those drugs. to an accident. If you use a cartheir own safety that pets should be phone/cell phone, pull off the roadproperly restrained in your vehicle. Re- &Driving when tired or sleepy and park in the a place before usingstrain a pet with a special traveling your phone. In some States/Pro-harness which can be secured to the rear WARNING vinces, only hands-free phones seat with a seatbelt or use a pet carrier maylegally be used while driving.which can be secured to the rear seat by When you are tired or sleepy, your routing a seatbelt through the carrier’s reaction will be delayed and your handle. Never restrain pets or pet carriers perception, judgment and attentive-&Modification of your vehiclein the front passenger’s seat. For further ness will be impaired. If you drive information, consult your veterinarian, when tired or sleepy, your, your CAUTION local animal protection society or pet passengers’ and other persons’ shop. chances of being involved in aYour vehicle should not be modified serious accident may increase.other than with genuine Subaru&Tire pressures parts and accessories. Other types Please do not continue to drive butof modifications could affect its WARNING instead find a safe place to rest if youperformance, safety or durability, are tired or sleepy. On long trips, youand may even violate governmentalDriving at high speeds with exces- should make periodic rest stops to refreshregulations. In addition, damage orsively low tire pressures can cause yourself before continuing on your journey.performance problems resulting the tires to deform severely and to When possible, you should share thefrom modification may not be cov-rapidly become hot. A sharp in- driving with others. ered under warranties. crease in temperature could cause tread separation, and destruction of the tires. The resulting loss of – CONTINUED –
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year of production from: 2004

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