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owners manual Subaru Outback

owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (34.76 MB) 580 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
4 . The SRS airbags deploy with&Child safety with considerable speed and considerable speed and force. force and can injure or even kill Occupants who are out of proper WARNING children, especially if they are position when the SRS airbag not restrained or improperly re- deployscouldsufferveryserious. Never hold a child on your lap orstrained. Because children are injuries. Because the SRS airbagin your arms while the vehicle islighter and weaker than adults, needs enough space for deploy-moving. The passenger cannottheir risk of being injured from ment, the driver should alwaysprotect the child from injury in adeployment is greater. sit upright and well back in thecollision, because the child will. NEVER INSTALL A REARWARD seat as far from the steeringbe caught between the passen-FACING CHILD SAFETY SEAT IN wheel as practical while stillger and objects inside the vehi-THE FRONT SEAT. DOING SO maintaining full vehicle controlcle. RISKS SERIOUS INJURY OR and the front passenger should. While riding in the vehicle, in-DEATH TO THE CHILD BY PLA- move the seat as far back asfants and small children shouldCING THE CHILD’S HEAD TOO possible and sit upright and wellalways be placed in the REARCLOSETOTHESRSAIRBAG. back in the seat. seat in an infant or child restraint. Alwaysturnthechildsafetylocks system which is appropriate forto the “LOCK”positionwhenever For instructions and precautions, carefullythe child’s age, height anda child rides in the rear seat. read the following sections. weight. If a child is too big for aSerious injury could result if a . For the seatbelt system, refer to “Seat-child restraint system, the childchild accidentally opened the belts” F1-16. should sit in the REAR seat anddoor and fell out. Refer to “Child . For the SRS airbag system, refer toberestrained using the seatbelts.safety locks” F2-32. “*SRS airbag (Supplemental RestraintAccording to accident statistics,. Alwayslockthepassengers’win- System airbag)” F1-41. children are safer when properlydowsusingthelockswitchwhen restrained in the rear seatingchildren are riding in the vehicle. positions than in the front seat-Failure to follow this procedure ing positions. Never allow a childcould result in injury to a child to stand up or kneel on the seat.operating the power window. Re- . Put children in the REAR seatfer to “Windows” F2-32. properly restrained at all times in. Never leave unattended children, a child restraint device or in aadults or animals in the vehicle. seatbelt. The SRS airbag deploys
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year of production from: 2014

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