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owners manual Subaru Forester

owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Subaru Forester I 1 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (4.63 MB) 322 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 1997 - 2002:
THE CHILD BY PLACING THE CHILD’S HEAD TOO CLOSE TO THE SRS AIRBAG.  Always use the child safety locks whenever a child rides in the rear seat. Serious injury could result if a child accidentally opened the door and fell out. Refer to the “Door locks” section in chapter 1.  Always lock the passenger’s windows using the lock switch when children are riding in the vehicle. Failure to follow this pro- cedure could result in injury to a child operating the power win- dow. Refer to the “Power windows” section in chapter 1.  Never leave unattended children in the vehicle. They could ac- cidentally injure themselves or others through inadvertent opera- tion of the vehicle. Also, on hot or sunny days, temperature in a closed vehicle could quickly become high enough to cause se- vere or possibly fatal injuries to them. Carefully read the sections “Child restraint systems”, “SRS airbag” and “Seat belts” in chapter 2 of this owner’s manual for instructions and pre- cautions concerning the child restraint system, seat belt system and SRS airbag system. ENGINE EXHAUST GAS (CARBON MONOXIDE) WARNING  Never inhale engine exhaust gas. Engine exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas which is danger- ous, or even lethal, if inhaled.  Always properly maintain the engine exhaust system to pre- vent engine exhaust gas from entering the vehicle.  Never run the engine in a closed space, such as a garage, ex- cept for the brief time needed to drive the vehicle in or out of it.  Avoid remaining in a parked vehicle for a lengthy time while the engine is running. If that is unavoidable, then use the ventila- tion fan to force fresh air into the vehicle.  Always keep the front ventilator inlet grille free from snow, leaves or other obstructions to ensure that the ventilation system always works properly. vi
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year of production from: 1997

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