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owners manual Porsche Boxster

owners manual Porsche Boxster - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Porsche Boxster 987 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.88 MB) 320 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Porsche Boxster, year of production 2004 - 2012:
R Selectorlever . 187Toggleswitches 187 Radiatorfans 211Selectorleverpositionindicator 95,188,189Stopwatch 112 Radioreception. 178Serviceflap 176, 210, 213Storageoptions 164 Rainsensor 148Shifting gear . 186StoringyourPorsche . 239 Rangeonremainingfuel . 103, 133Shiftlock. 187Sunvisors 48 Rearfoglight 144, 284Sidelights 284T Rearlid 171Sidemarkerlight. 144, 283 Rearspoiler 75, 76Sidevents 158Tachometer 93 Rearviewmirrors 36Snowchains . 251, 302, 304Tail light 284 Rearwindowdefogger . 38Snowtires 250, 301Tank 221, 222 Relays 265Sockets . 162Cap . 222 Releasebutton 187Spacers . 263Ventilation system . 227 Remotecontrol . 23Sparekey. 22Telephone 179 Replacementkey. 22Sparewheel 304Temperaturesetting 152, 155 Replacingbulbs. 276Speedcodeletter 252Temperature,outsideindicator . 97 Replacingwiperblades 209Speedcontrol . 89, 149, 152Teststand,measurements . 73 Retractablespoiler 75Speedlimit . 105, 252Theftprotection 21 Rims Speedometer . 92Tiptronic 187 Diameter 253Spoiler . 75Indicator 95 Rimwidth . 253Fixed . 76Tire PressureMonitoring 119 Retractable 75Tires . 19, 243, 301, 302 S Sportmode 70, 72, 74Checkingpressure 262 SafetyBelt Sportsexhaustsystem 69Inscription 252 Warninglight. 50Sportsseat 40Loadinginformation 254 Safetybelts 49, 51, 239Stability managementsystem(PSM)71Pressure 244, 302 Safetycompliancesticker 296Starting 81, 82Pressureplate 297 Sealingset . 256Starting andstoppingtheengine. 81Sealant 256 Seals,careof . 237SteeringwheelSidewall . 252 Seat 40Adjustment. 46Size. 252 Adjustment. 40, 41Buttons 47Tiresandtirecare 243 Heating 45Lock 81, 82, 84Tools . 174 Memory . 43Rockerswitches . 187Towing . 292, 293 Index317
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year of production from: 2004

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