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owners manual VW Transporter T4

owners manual VW Transporter T4 - year of production: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - VW Transporter T4 Westfalia oweners manual EN

Document: pdf (25.83 MB) 164 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle VW Transporter T4, year of production 1990 - 2003:
We thank you for the confidence you have placed in us through :he purchase of the new Caravelle/Transporter. ~~e new Caravelle/Transporter has been completely redesigned. In In the majority of countries there is a complete package of additional :~'s process the years of experience with several million Trans- warranty cover and services offered, like for example: porters and front wheel drive passenger cars has been put to good • 6 years warranty against rusting-through on the bodywor< - without expense for interim treatment. __e new Caravelle/Transporter is distinguished by the generous amount of inside space it offers and by its modern aerodynamic styl- • 1 year warranty on workshop repairs -g. In addition it also has a high payload, variability, driving comfort and driving safety. • 1 year warranty on all genuine parts and on Volkswagen acces- sories approved by us. Environmental factors played a large part in its design, selection of • The quick, value for money Express Service for the smaller jobs materials and manufacture. The result speaks for itself: TheVolks- .vagen is thrifty with petrol is low pollutant, only requires a small • A reasonably priced replacement car for the period that yours is amount of servicing at long intervals, has extremely long-life wear- being serviced or repaired - ask your dealer. "ng parts and is extensively recyclable. Therefore it has all the typical • The Volkswagen Accessory Service Volkswagen virtues such as, economy, quality, reliability and value retention. Tested, factory approved accessories and the professional installa- tion - hereto please also read the note on Page 116. t is also reassuring for you to know that one of the largest and most Volkswagen dealers will gladly supply details on the above-men- efficient organizations in the world is available to look after your tioned services and possible country specific deviations. Please see Volkswagen. In Europe alone there is a network of about 9000 Volks- also the notes in the Service Schedule. wagen dealers that work economically and professionally in accord- ance with factory guidelines. We wish you pleasant and safe motoring at all times. The Volkswagen dealers also guarantee that everything is OK on your CaravelleATransporter. They offer you Your VOLKSWAGEN AG • 1 year warranty against defects - with no mileage limit www.WestfaliaT4.info - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW Westfalia T4 Transporter / Eurovan Campervans
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year of production from: 1990

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