owners manual Land Rover Defender
owners manual Land Rover Defender - year of production: 1983 - Land Rover Defender III gen owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Defender, year of production 1983:
Compact disc player
• Error 03 - CD player electronic fault. The EJECTING COMPACT DISCS
CD player cannot read data from the CD.To eject the disc, press and release the eject
- The CD player is damaged and can no button. A confirmation message is displayed.
longer read the CD.After a short pause, the compact disc will
Redbook is the specification that emerge and you can then remove it.
controls the CD standard - look for Note: If the disc is not removed from the slot
the "Compact Disc Digital Audio" within ten seconds, it will be drawn back into
logo. The head unit is designed to play the player automatically.
Redbook CDs and may not play CDs that do not Note: If you eject a CD during playback, the
conform to this standard e.g. a disc that has audio unit will switch to tuner mode
multiple content including video that may be automatically.
played on a Personal Computer PC or
Macintosh machine. CD is hot when ejected
Orangebook is the specification CDs will become hot when played for extended
that controls the CDR standard - periods - this is normal. This condition may
look for the "Compact Disc occur when the vehicle is excessively heated by
Recordable" logo. The MP3 and WMA the vehicles heating system e.g. when the user
compatible head unit is designed to play selects a maximum heating setting and drives
Orangebook CDRs and may not play with the windows open to cool the cabin
unbranded CDRs or CDRs with corrupted or temperature; heat will build up in the centre
incorrect formats and data types present (see console and the CD player which cannot be
Error 02 causes). dissipated adequately to ensure CD playback.
This condition may cause CD playback to falter
or stop altogether. The user should reduce
heating and allow the CD player to cool down.

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year of production from: 1983

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Land Rover Defender III gen owners manual
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