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owners manual Subaru BRZ

owners manual Subaru BRZ - year of production: 2012 - Subaru BRZ owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.77 MB) 21 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru BRZ, year of production 2012:
1-1. Key information Using the mechanical key (vehicles with a keyless access with push button start system) To take out the mechanical key, 1 slide the release lever and take the key out. Be f o After using the mechanical key, r e d store it in the access key. Carry r the mechanical key together with iv in the access key. If the access keyg battery is depleted or the “keyless access” entry function does not operate properly, you will need the mechanical key. (→P. 394) ■When required to leave the vehicle’s key with a parking attendant Turn the trunk lid opener main switch off as circumstances demand. (→P. 46) On vehicles without a keyless access with push button start system, provide the attendant with the valet key. On vehicles with a keyless access with push button start system, remove the mechanical key for your own use and provide the attendant with the access key only. ■Key number plate Keep the plate in a safe place, not in the vehicle. In the event that a key (without a keyless access with push button start system) or mechanical key (with a keyless access with push button start system) is lost, a new key can be made at your SUBARU dealer using the key number plate. (→P. 393) ■When riding in an aircraft When bringing a key with remote keyless entry system onto an aircraft, make sure you do not press any buttons on the key while inside the aircraft cabin. If you are carrying the key in your bag etc., ensure that the buttons are not likely to be pressed accidentally. Pressing a button may cause the key to emit radio waves that could interfere with the operation of the aircraft. 21
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year of production from: 2012

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