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owners manual Nissan Patrol

owners manual Nissan Patrol - year of production: 1997 - Nissan Patrol Y61 GR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.47 MB) 161 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Patrol, year of production 1997:
Forew ord family of new NISSAN This vehicle has been delivered to you confidence. It has been produced using the latest g owners. with the groWin telcome to quality control. Fa ilur e to oper ate models correctly and strict 4WD techniques may resu lt in loss of control or an accid ent. This manual prepared was to help you under stand the operation and maintenance of your vehicle so that you enjoy may many kil ometers (miles) of driving Be sur e to read " DRIVING FOUR: f � pl asure. Please read through this manual before operating your vehicle. "5. WHEEL DRIVE (4WD) SAFELY" in the A separate warranty information booklet about the warranties covering your vehicle. explains details Starting and driving" secti on. NISSAN dealer knows your vehicle require any service or have any questions, we will be glad to assist you with the extensive Your best. When you resources ava ilable for you. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION REMI ND ERS FOR SAFE TY! MOD IFIC ATI ON OF YOUR VEHIC LE This vehicle should not be modified. Modification could affect its perfor­ Follow these important driving rules to help ensure a safe and complete trip ' mance, safety or durability, and may even violate gpyernmental regulations. for you and your passengers! SIC0697 In additi on, damage or performance problems reSUlting from modi fication • NEVER dr ive under the influence 'af alcohol or dr ugs. may not be covered under NISSAN warranties. not do • ALWAYS obseve posted speed limits and never drive too fast If you see this sym bol, it means "Do READ FI RST - THEN DR IVE SAFELY this" or "Do not let this happ en". for conditions. Before driving your vehicle, read this Owner's Manual carefully. This will • ALWAYS use your seat belts and appr opriat e child rest raint ensure familiarity with controls and maintenance requirements, assisting ¢? ems. syst you in the safe operation of your vehicle. you see a symbol similar to these in an I' If illustration, it means the arrow points to the front • ALWAYS provide information about the proper use of vehicle Throughout this manual we have used the symbol A followed by the I I of the vehicle. safety featu res to all occupant s of the vehicle. word WARNING. This is used to indi cate the presence of a hazard which • ALWAYS review this Owner 's Manual for imp ortant safety may cause the possibility of a personal injur y or other damage and must be • follo wed precisely. information. II' Arrows in an ill ustration that are similar to these The word CAUTION is also used throughout the manual to indicate the indicate movement or action. WHEN READ ING THE MANUA L " 1,1) presence of a hazard that could cause minor or moder ate personal injur y or damages to your vehicle. To avoid or reduce the risk, the procedu res must • This manual includes 'informat ion for all options ava ilable on this model. , ' " . + - be followed carefu ll y. Therefore, you may find some information that does not apply to your Arrows in an illus tration that are similar to these vehicle. call attention to an item in the ill ustration. :iji All information, specifications and ill ustrations in this manual are those in For descriptions specified for four-wheel drive effect at the time of printing. NISSAN reserves the right to change (4WD) models, a � mark is placed at the ©2007 NISSAN MOTOR CO" LTD, specifications or design without notice and without obligation. � [ Ii beginning of the applicable sections/items. TOKYO, JAPAN 11 I , I :'
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year of production from: 1997

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