owners manual Infiniti G37
owners manual Infiniti G37 - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Infiniti G V37 Coupe owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti G37, year of production 2008 - 2013:
Your INFINITI represents a new way of thinkingA separate Warranty Information Booklet is in-WARNING
about vehicle design. It integrates advancedcluded in your Owner’s literature portfolio. The
engineering and superior craftsmanship with aINFINITI Service and Maintenance Guide ex-IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATIONREMINDERS
simple, refined aesthetic sensitivity associatedplains details about maintaining and servicingFORSAFETY!
with traditional Japanese culture.your vehicle. Always carry it with you when youFollow these important driving rules to help
The result is a different notion of luxury andtakeyourvehicletoanINFINITIdealer.TheWar-ensure a safe and comfortable trip for you and
beauty. The car itself is important, but so is theranty Information Booklet contents provideyourpassengers!
sense of harmony that the vehicle evokes in itscomplete information about all warranties cov-
driver, and the sense of satisfaction you feelering this vehicle, the requirements to keep the● NEVERdriveundertheinfluenceofalcoholor
with the INFINITI — from the way it looks andwarrantiesineffectaswellastheINFINITIRoad-drugs.
drives to the high level of dealer service.sideAssistanceprogram.● ALWAYS observe posted speed limits and
To ensure that you enjoy your INFINITI to theAdditionally, a separate Customer Care andneverdrivetoofastforconditions.
fullest, we encourage you to read this Owner’sLemonLawInformationBookletwillexplainhow● ALWAYS give your full attention to driving
Manual immediately. It explains all of the fea-toresolveanyconcernsyoumayhavewithyourand avoid using vehicle features or taking
tures, controls and performance characteristicsvehicle, as well as clarify your rights under yourotheractionsthatcoulddistractyou.
of your INFINITI; it also provides importantstate’s lemon law.● ALWAYSuseyourseatbeltsandappropriate
instructions and safety information.READ FIRST — THEN DRIVE SAFELYchild restraint systems. Pre-teen children
Before driving your vehicle, read your Owner’sshouldbeseatedintherearseat.
Manual carefully. This will ensure familiarity● ALWAYS provide information about the
with controls and maintenance requirements,proper use of vehicle safety features to all
assisting you in the safe operation of youroccupantsofthevehicle.
vehicle. ● ALWAYSreviewthisOwner’sManualforim-

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year of production from: 2008

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Infiniti G V37 Coupe owners manual
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