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owners manual Renault Twingo

owners manual Renault Twingo - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Renault Twingo II 2 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (11.73 MB) 204 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Twingo, year of production 2007 - 2014:
FRONT HEADRESTS 1 3 2 To raise the headrest To raise the headrest To refit the headrest (depending on vehicle) Raise the headrest to its highest posi- In case the adjustment of the rods has Slide it upwards to the required height. tion (tilt the seatback backwards if nec- been modified, pull out the rods 3 as far essary). Press tab 2 and lift the head- as they will go (ensure they are aligned To lower the headrest rest to remove it. and clean). In case of difficulty, ensure (depending on vehicle) Note: when the headrest is removed, the notches face forwards. take care not to change the positions Insert the headrest rods into the holes Press button 1 and guide the headrest of rods 3. (tilt the seatback backwards if neces- down to the desired height. sary). Push the headrest downwards until it clicks, check that it is properly locked. Press button 1 and push the headrest The headrest is an important safety component. Ensure that it is in place down as far as it will go. and in the correct position. The distance between your head and the headrest should be as small as possible. The top of your head should be in line with the top of the headrest. 1.11 ENG_UD1325_1 ENG_NU_773-1_X44_Renault_1 Appuis-tête avant (X44 - Renault) Appuis-tête - Sièges appuis-tête (page courante) sièges réglage (page courante)
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year of production from: 2007

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