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owners manual Suzuki Grand Vitara

owners manual Suzuki Grand Vitara - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Suzuki Grand Vitara II 2 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.51 MB) 337 pages
all ratings: 1 average rating: 5
text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki Grand Vitara, year of production 2005 - 2014:
Fuel Recommendation: 1, 2 FUEL RECOMMENDATION Fuel Recommendation Gasoline Containing MTBE Fuel Pump Labeling Unleaded gasoline containing MTIn some statesBE , pumps that dispense oxy- (methyl tertiary butyl ether) may be used ingenated fuels are required to be labeled for your vehicle if the MTBE content ithes no typt e and percentage of oxygenate and greater than 15%. This oxygenawhether imported fuel tant additives are present. does not contain alcohol. Such labels may provide enough informa- tion for you to determine if a particular Gasoline/Ethanol blends blend of fuel meets the requirements listed Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanaolbove. In other areas, pumps may not be (grain alcohol), also known as gasoclearly hollabe,led as to the content or type of may be used in your vehicle if the ethanoloxygenate and additives. If you are not content is not greater than 10%. sure that the fuel you intend to use meets these requirements, check with the service Gasoline/Methanol blends station operator or the fuel supplier. Fuels containing 5% or less methanol 60A004 (wood alcohol) may be suitable for use inNOTE: your vehicle if they contain cosolvents and To help clean the air, SUZUKI recom- Your vehicle requires regular unleaded gasoline with a minimum rating of 87 pumpcorrosion inhibitors. Do NOT USE fumends yels ou use the oxygenated fuels. octane ((R + M)/2 method). In some areas,containing more than 5% methanol underHowever, if you are not satisfied with the any circumstances. Fuel system dadrivmaeagebility or fuel economy of your vehicle the only fuels that are available are oxy- genated fuels. or vehicle performance problems resulting when you are using an oxygenated fuel, from the use of such fuels are not theswitch back to the regular unleaded gaso- Oxygenated fuels whh meic et the mini- responsibility of SUZUKI and may not be line. mum octane requirement and the require- covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. CAUTION ments described below may be used in your vehicle without jeopardizing the New Be careful not to spill fuel containing Vehicle Limited Warranty. alcohol while refueling. If fuel is NOTE: spilled on the vehicle body, wipe it up Oxygenated fuels are fuels which contain immediately. Fuels containing alco- oxygen-carrying additives such as MTBE hol can cause paint damage, which is or alcohol. not covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. 1-1 79K21-03E
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year of production from: 2005

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