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owners manual Land Rover Range Rover

owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual EN

Document: pdf (1.74 MB) 201 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 1994 - 2002:
Locks & alarm ’Superlocking’ using the key: WARNING Whereverpossiblethe handset MUST be used NEVER’superlock’the vehicle if passengers to ’superlock’ the vehicle. However, if the are to be left inside - ’superlocking’ handset is inoperative, the key can be used asprevents door locks from being operated follows: from INSIDE as well as outside the vehicle! Turn the key in the driver’s door towards the rear of the vehicle (and release) twice within 1 1 / seconds. 2 NOTE:Ifthehandset’lock’button or the door NOTE:’Superlocking’the vehicle using the key are operated once, the central locking will key will provide perimetric protection only -be activated, but the alarm will only be in volumetric protection (protection of the ’perimetric’ mode and the doors and locks interior space inside the vehicle) WILL NOT CANbeopenedfromtheinside.ALWAYS, BEACTIVE!If any door, the bonnet, or the wherepossiblesecurethe vehicleby tailgate is left open, a mislock will occur (see’superlocking’. ’Mislock’). ’Sill’ locking To unlock: To operate the central locking from inside the Whereverpossibleuse the handset to unlock vehicle, push down either front door sill the vehicle - press and release the ’unlock’ button. button. The security system will NOT be armed. If necessary, the key can be used to unlock aNOTE:’Sill’ locking (also known as slam ’superlocked’ vehicle, but before the engine locking) is NOT possible from outside the can be started, it will be necessary to releasevehicle. the engine immobilisation function by entering the emergencykey accesscode (see ’Emergencykeyaccess’). IMPORTANTINFORMATION If unattended passengers are to be left in the vehicle, DO NOT superlock. Unattended passengersshould lock the vehicle from inside by pressing down the driver’s door sill button. If animals are to be left in the vehicle, volumetric protection MUST NOT be activated - any movement inside the vehicle could trigger the alarm. DONOTleavechildrenunattendedin the vehicle! 13
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year of production from: 1994

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Land Rover Range Rover II 2 P38A owners manual
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