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owners manual Alfa Romeo 147

owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo 147 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.43 MB) 286 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 147, year of production 2000 - 2010:
001-057 Alfa 147 Q2 GB 4-07-2008 11:58 Pagina 11 ELECTRONIC ALARM REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ACTIVATING THE ALARM KEYS WITH REMOTE CONTROL With the doors, bonnet and boot shut and the ignition key in the STOP or PARK po- The receiver can recognise up to 5 keys DESCRIPTION with incorporated remote control. Should a sition (key removed), point the key with the , then remote control in the direction of the car new key with remote control be necessary The system comprises: a transmitter, re- press and release the button (C-fig. 6). ceiver, control unit with siren and volumet-, con-for any reason during the life of the car ric sensors. The electronic alar m is controlledvices, tact directly Alfa Romeo Authorised Ser With the exception of certain markets, the taking with you the CODE card, a personal system sounds a “beep” and the doors are by the receiver incorporated in the instru- ment cluster and it is turned on and off by identity document and the car’s ownership locked. the remote control in the key which sends documents. the crypted and variable code. The electronic Engagement of the alarm is preceded by alarm controls: the unlawful opening of a self-diagnosis phase characterised by a doors, bonnet and boot (perimetral protec- change in the frequency at which the de- terrent led (A-fig. 7) on the dashboard tion), operation of the ignition key, battery GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR cable cutting, the presence of moving bod- flashes. If an anomaly is detected the sys- ies in the passenger compartment (volu- tem gives off a furter beep. metric protection), any abnormal rais- ing/sloping of the car (for versions/mar- kets where applicable) and central door lock- ing. It also makes it possible to cut off the volumetric protection. IMPORTANT The engine inhibitor func- A0A0010m tion is guaranteed by the Alfa Romeo CODE system which is activated automatically when the ignition key is removed. fig. 6 11
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year of production from: 2000

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