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owners manual Peugeot 307

owners manual Peugeot 307 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Peugeot 307 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.94 MB) 202 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 307, year of production 2001 - 2011:
14 - Familiarisation Familiarisation - 15 AUDIO EQUIPMENT RD4 CONTROL PANEL STEERING WHEEL CONTROL Button (A) LIST REFRESH: displaying and up- dating of the list of stations received, Volume adjustment ON/OFF and volume adjustment. of the tracks on the CD. 1. Increase by pressing the back 2. Decrease by pressing the back Keypad (3) Button (B) 1+2. Cutting off/Restoring of the sound Storing of the radio station. CD eject. Search/Selection by pressing Selection of the stored station, of the CD in relation to the position in the 3. Higher radio frequency - CD/ Keypad (1) CD changer. CD changer: next track MODE: changing of the display of the 4. Lower radio frequency - CD/ Keypad (4) permanent application (audio equip- CD changer: previous track ment, trip computer, .). ESC (Escape): cancellation of the operation in progress. DARK: 1st press: black screen under the banner - 2nd press: completely MENU: displaying of the general menu. Sound sources black screen - 3rd press: return to 5. Change of sound source the display. Keypad (5) Access to the telephone dis- Navigator. Keypad (2) plays Button (C) SOURCE: change of source be- Selection of stations/CD in the TA: trafic information priority on/off. tween radio, CD, CD changer. changer by rotation PTY: access to the search by type of BAND AST: selection of the frequen- 6. Higher stored station - Next CD programme. cy wavebands. 7. Lower stored station - Previous ¯: access to the musical ambience CD settings. 01-10-200501-10-2005
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year of production from: 2001

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