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owners manual Porsche Carrera 911

owners manual Porsche Carrera 911 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Porsche Carrera 911 997 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (3.56 MB) 310 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Porsche Carrera 911, year of production 2004 - 2011:
Break in hints for the first f Do not participate in motor racing events, Engine oil and fuel consumption 2,000 miles/3,000 kilometers sports driving schools, etc. during the first 2,000 miles/3,000 kilometers.During the break-in period oil and fuel consump- The following tips will be helpful in obtaining opti-There may be a slight stiffness in the steering, tion may be higher than normal. mum performance from your new Porsche. gear-shifting or other controls during the break-in As always, the rate of oil consumption depends on Despite the most modern, high-precision manufac-period which will gradually disappear. the quality and viscosity of oil, the speed at which turing methods, the moving parts must still wear the engine is operated, the climate and road con- in with each other. This wearing-in occurs mainly in Break in brake pads and brake discsditions, as well as the amount of dilution and oxi- the first 2,000 miles/3,000 kilometers. dation of the lubricant. New brake pads and discs have to be “broken in”, f Make a habit of checking engine oil with every Therefore: and therefore only attain optimal friction when the refueling, add if necessary. car has covered several hundred miles or km. f Preferably take longer trips. The slightly reduced braking ability must be com- f Avoid frequent cold starts with short-distance pensated for by pressing the brake pedal harder. This also applies whenever the brake pads and driving whenever possible. brake discs are replaced. f Avoid full throttle starts and abrupt stops. f Do not exceed maximum engine speed of New tires 4,200 rpm (revolutions per minute).New tires do not have maximum traction. They f Do not run a cold engine at high rpm either in tend to be slippery. Neutral or in gear. f Break in new tires by driving at moderate f Do not let the engine labor, especially when speeds during the first 60 to 120 miles/100 to driving uphill. Shift to the next lower gear in 200 km. Longer braking distances must be an- time (use the most favorable rpm range). ticipated. f Never lug the engine in high gear at low speeds. This rule applies at all times, not just during the break-in period. 10 Before driving off.
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year of production from: 2004

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