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owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 GTA

owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 GTA - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 GTA owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.5 MB) 314 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156 GTA, year of production 1997 - 2006:
2) If the warning lamp flashes it means CHANGING THE Dead batteries are harm- that the car is not protected by the immo- ful for the environment. BATTERY OF THE KEY biliser. Contact your Alfa Romeo Authorized WITH REMOTE CONTROL They must be disposed of Service immediately and get them to store If when pressing button (Bor C-fig. 5) in special containers as specified by the codes of all the keys in the memory. current regulations. Avoid expo- the control is rejected or is not performed, sure to naked flames and high tem- the battery should be replaced by a new one peratures. Keep out of reach of of the same type to be found c/o normal retailers. On versions fitted with electronic children. If after 2 seconds with alarm, the need to replace the remote con- the key in the MAR posi- tion, the warning light turn trol battery is indicated by the coming on, on again flashing, this means that rent ledwith fixed light, of the deter(A-fig. the code of the keys has not been 6) set on the dashboard near the central air memorised, thus the car is not pro- vent. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CARtected by the Alfa Romeo CODE system against attempted theft. In this case, contact an Alfa Romeo Authorized Service to have the key codes memorised. IMPORTANTThe system is protected A0B9000m A0B0011m by a 10A fuse housed in the fuse-holder set under the dashboard (see paragraph “If a fuse blows“ in “In an emergency“ chapter). 10 fig. 5 fig. 6
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year of production from: 1997

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