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owners manual Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

owners manual Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV - year of production: 2012 - Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV III 3 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (21.01 MB) 388 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, year of production 2012:
B00203201E3.book 2 ページ 㸰㸮㸯㸱年㸯㸯月㸯9日 火曜日 午前㸯㸯時5㸮分 Plug-in Hybrid EV System Plug-in Hybrid EV System zWith the high performance motor, noise Series hybrid mode and vibration during driving are greatly 2 E00203500025 limited and powerful acceleration can also zThe vehicle is driven by the motors only be obtained. using the electricity generated by the zWith the regenerative brake, the drive bat- engine. This mode is used when the drive Main features tery is automatically charged when the battery level is low, at quick acceleration, E00203600026 accelerator is released. or when power is required like climbing It is operated as electric vehicle in the EVzThe vehicle can be charged from EV uphill. drive mode using the electrical power stored charge power outlets (rated AC 240 V). 1 Parallel hybrid mode in the drive battery,* according to theEV drive mode remaining amount of the drive battery. It is zThe vehicle is driven by the power of the 2 also automatic control* for driving in series zThe vehicle is driven by the motors only engine, assisted by motors. This mode is hybrid mode or parallel hybrid mode using using electrical power stored in the drive used during high-speed driving with bet- engine power from EV drive mode according battery. However, EV drive mode is can- ter engine efficiency. to the driving condition or if the charging celled depending on the drive battery level of the drive battery is decreased. level, vehicle speed, and air conditioner 1 If there is a remaining amount in the operating conditions. Pay attention to the * :drive battery, it is actively driven in the following points: EV drive mode. The cruising range var- •Check the EV cruising range in the ies depending on the remaining charge in information screen. Refer to “EV cruis- the drive battery, vehicle speed, and air ing range display/Total cruising range conditioner operating conditions. display” on page 6-13. 2 You can adjust the timing to switch to •Drive your vehicle at moderate speeds * :the EV drive mode by using the battery avoiding quick acceleration/decelera- save switch. Refer to “Battery save tion. Repeated quick acceleration/decel- switch” on page 7-22. eration causes the drive battery level to decrease quickly, which extremely reduces the EV cruising range. 2-2 General information
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year of production from: 2012

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