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owners manual Peugeot 306

owners manual Peugeot 306 - year of production: 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Peugeot 306 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (2.81 MB) 126 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 306, year of production 1993 - 2001:
109 DRIVING YOUR 306 In the “OFF” position, the passengerPassenger airbag precautions Operating check airbag will not be triggered in the event of an impact. It is indicated by one of the lights on Vehicle fitted with a passenger airbaginstrument panel. As soon as you remove the rear- wards-facing child seat from the frontdisarming switch: If the passenger airbag is armed (pas- passenger seat, turn the airbag switch senger airbag switch in the “ON” posi- to the “ ON” position, to arm the airbag- disarm the airbagtion), the light will come on for and thus ensure the safety of your 6 seconds when the ignition is if you install a passenger in an impact. rearwards-facingswitched on. child seat on the If the passenger airbag is disarmed (passenger airbag switch in the “OFF” front passenger seat, position), the light will stay on. - arm the airbag when you trans- Only the airbag warning light port an adult on remains on, the front passen- ger seat. or, Vehicle not fitted with a passenger airbag disarming switch: the airbag warning light comes on for six seconds after the ignition is switched on and the airbag disarming ilight remains on permanently. -do not install a rear- wards-facing child seat on the front passenger seat. In any case, if the light flashes, contact a PEUGEOTdealer. Never place your feet or any object on the fascia. * According to specification.
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year of production from: 1993

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