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owners manual Mercedes SLK

owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (6.33 MB) 304 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 1996 - 2004:
Introduction Operator’s Manual Maintenance Roadside AssistanceChange of address or ownership The Service Booklet describes all the nec-The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance If you change your address, be sure to essary maintenance work which should be Program provides factory-trained technical send in the “Change of Address Notice” performed at regular intervals.help in the event of a breakdown. Calls to found in the Service and Warranty Informa- Always have the Service Booklet with you the toll-free Roadside Assistance numbertion Booklet, or simply call the when you take the vehicle to your autho-1-800-FOR-MERCedes (in the USA)Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance rized Mercedes-Benz Center for service. 1-800-387-0100 (in Canada)Center (in the USA) at The service advisor will record each ser-1-800-FOR-MERCedes, or Customer Ser- vice in the booklet for you.will be answered by Mercedes-Benz Cus-vice (in Canada) at 1-800-387-0100. It is in tomer Assistance Representatives your own interest that we can contact you 24hours a day, 365 days a year.should the need arise. For additional information refer to the If you sell your Mercedes, please leave all Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance Pro-literature with the vehicle to make it avail- gram brochure in your glove box.able to the next operator. If you bought this vehicle used, be sure to send in the “Notice of Purchase of Used Car” found in the Service and Warranty In- formation Booklet, or call the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Cen- ter (in the USA) at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes, or Customer Service (in Canada) at 1-800-387-0100. 10
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year of production from: 1996

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